BnB Jajpur

Bless'n'Bliss has one of it's prominent Centres in Jajpur.

Project Swabhiman is a huge success for Bless'n'Bliss in Jajpur road.


Bless'n'Bliss has collaborated with Kinnar Association of Jajpur road to provide skill based training to the transgenders,so that they can earn their livelihood.

We have collaborated with NISW(National Institute of Social Welfare),Odisha to provide the Skill based training to the Transgenders.

In Jajpur we have provided skill based training to 20 Transgenders. Now they are self sufficient to earn their livelihood.

We offer heartfelt gratitude to the Ambika Foundation & Santisena Jajpur kinnar Association for the help & support to make this project successful.



Every caste, creed, religion and gender deserves its rightful place in our society. One thing we can do to help achieve that is dismissing the old and unreasonable restrictions on such minorities. That is where the Swabhimaan Project comes in.

Swabhimaan Project is a skill-based training program for transgender people in which 20 transgender people were given the training to sew the clothes so that they can earn their livelihood and will live the life of dignity as everyone else. The project was undertaken and Bless n’ bliss executed by its founder and chairman: Mr Akram Ansari, in coordination with Lovely Sahoo, at Jajpur Road. The project included a 6-month long training program and a test at the end. 13 out of the 20 members qualified and were awarded certificates and mementoes. This will help them get jobs, they can start their own tailoring shops, teach others of their community and so.

BnB has been and will always be there to help eradicate such problems and misconceptions in society. We strive hard to change how the orthodox society perceives the LGBTQ community and do away with the notion of ostracizing them. Thus we are planning on organizing more of such training programs for them.