Cyclothon 3.0


Date of publish: 7th july 2020

The success will be more glorified When it comes through lots of hardships. After a grand success of Cyclothon 3.0 We Bless'n'Bliss family& Our founder Akram Ansari are getting so much respect,love & support for our upcoming journey towords serving the society. Recently Akram Sir got honoured by Shri Raam Bharat Milap Samiti, Ranchi for creating the awareness for Child education,Women empowerment & Employment to Transgender. Hope to get support more for our upcoming missions.


Author: Arya bhardwaj

Art By: Susank Prakash

Date of publish: 7th july 2020


nstances of brutal rape and violence against women, have given India a dismal reputation of being one of the worst places in the world to be a female. What a pity to say that I am an Indian, when such cases spread in news... Many of such violence are not even reported in the police station due to such a lethargic response to find the criminals. In India, woman being raped makes them to be more cautious by the society rather than making a boy aware about these I'll actions. Why never a male be taught how to treat and respect females...Why from the beginning of the birth of a boy, parents says 'ye toh ladka hai , karle jo krna hai'.. Why a girl is taught 'Sambhal kr rhna , bahar mat nikalna Shaam ko' Why due to the poor mindset of boys makes girls to think twice for walking alone on roads. Where is the freedom for girls? Where is the respect for girls?

How much pity it is to listen the news like Hyderabad gang rape, Nirbhaya and many other cases!.. Can we never have a safe place for us? What happens to all those good men of our country, when they listen to such cases. We say make this world a better place, do this is called as a better place? where daily 90 rape cases are reported in police stations! Just stand for the sake of all the women of this country and take action... Cause it's time for action now!


Author: Susank Prakash

Date of publish: 7th july 2020

S tories convey... Words describe... Arts remark... They live forever. Team BnB is here with a remarkable art depicting how people stay inside homes during their tough times to get hidden and save themselves from the evil Kaal and stand united. This is relatable to the current situation, Corona Virus being the evil and it's the responsibility of each and everyone to stay at home and break the chains of the virus.The only difference is we're fighting with something we can't see, contagious, and more deadly. So, our team requests each and every one to stay safe at home and prevent the spread.


Author: आकार कपूर

Date of publish: 12th April 2018

मेरेकलम की स्याही सूखती रही,
मेरेबचपन की नौका डू बती रही।
मेरी ज़िन्दगी मेंकोई हमदददन था,
इसजलए हमददी मेंनशेफू कती रही।
कभी गरम चाय की प्याली थी,
तो कभी बडेसाहब की गाली थी।
कभी सर के ऊपर एक थाली थी,
नहीीँतो कचरेमेंरात गु़िारी थी।
खुद को रातोोंमेंलोररयाों सुनाता,
अक्सर कोनेमेंजससक के सो जाता।
मेलेमेंचुस्की अपनेआप को जदलाता,
और टू टेखखलौनोोंसेखुद को बहलाता।
मखन्दर और मखिद मेंजब जूतेचम्काता,
भग्वान्और अल्लाह सेयही पूछेजाता —
“इतनी कठोरता और क्रू रता जकस बात की?
जकस माीँकी कोख सेजन्मा मुझ जैसा पापी?”
एक बार कोई उोंग्ली पकड के देखता,
जकताबोोंका बोझ मेरेसमक्श फ़ैं कता।
तो मेंभी आज एक छोटूना कहलाता,
यजद कोई मुझेअपनी पहचान देजाता…