"Saksham" is an initiative to provide self-defence training classes for girls. Through this project, Experts teach self defence techniques to the girls. This project is to make girls conquer their fear of the current problems of the Society. We are always encouraged by Authorities of the Institute to organize such activities for taking a step forward in making women self-sufficient.
Volunteers: 16
The Saksham project was undertaken by Bn’b due to an alarming rise in violence and brutality against the girls/women. Be it a case of domestic violence, sexual abuse, or workplace misconduct, in most cases the victims tend to be women and the reason is they feel helpless and are afraid to stand up to the perpetrator in that situation. No one should have to feel afraid, weak and helpless like that, thus Saksham focuses on providing mental and physical training to the girls of schools and colleges so that they can protect themselves in the time of need.
Bn’b approached schools and colleges in Ranchi and Rourkela and organized self-defense sessions for girls, taught by certified trainers. We believe that a healthy mind harbingers positive thoughts while a fit body juggernauts your fight against despicable entities. If you believe that too and want to help your daughters, sisters, loved ones feel safe, get them to learn basic self-defense techniques and equip them with knowledge to fight back and stand up for themselves when the situation demands.
The Saksham Project does not preach violence but the opposite: self-defence against it, and teaching self-defense to girls doesn't inspire them to hate men, but not be afraid of them when they are in the wrong. As it goes ‘Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst’.