BnB Samarthan focuses on collaboration with financially weak institutions, which impart knowledge to the underprivileged children, by either sponsoring their education or providing them with basic amenities such as seating arrangements, stationery items, and water, electricity and sanitation facilities.


Volunteers: 28

One of the primary focuses of Bless n’ bliss has been towards the education and imparting knowledge to the underprivileged children, and we don't lose sight of that. Through Sikshalaya, we directly get that help to the kids, but there are many other institutions which are already doing the same. But some of them lack certain resources and could use some help in continuing the noble deeds. That is why the Samarthan Project was initiated; in order to collaborate with the financially weak institutions, which also help teach the underprivileged children.

But some of them lack certain resources and could use some help in continuing the noble deeds. That is why the Samarthan Project was initiated; in order to collaborate with the financially weak institutions, which also help teach the underprivileged children.

Through Samarthan, Bless n’ bliss either sponsors their education or helps provide them with basic amenities such as seating arrangements, stationary items, and water, electricity and sanitation facilities. Samarthan has already been successful in Rourkela, Ranchi and Jajpur Road. We do all we can to help the cause, and with your help we can do more.